Arch Bridges at Hirangaon Station
The project involves constructing a 2-lane Road Over Bridge (ROB) in place of Level Crossing No. 67C at KM-1239/21-23, at Hirangaon Station, located in Firozabad District, UP, India.
The 112-meter bridge features two steel tied arches with a span arrangement of 50m - 62m and a skew angle of 20 degrees. The structural steel weighs approximately 240 metric tons and 350 metric tons, respectively. The erection methodology involves sliding preassembled steel along launch rails. The rails are supported on falsework, which includes girders resting on shoring towers located within the construction easement zones. Once the superstructure is shifted to its final position, the supporting falsework below is removed, and the bridge is lowered onto its permanent supports.
The primary challenge involves constructing spans directly above an active railway station. This includes ensuring safety and minimal disruption to railway operations, managing limited space and height for construction activities, and coordinating work schedules with train timings. Another issue involved maintaining four live railway tracks under a 60m span. This necessitated a temporary falsework span of 27m, longer than typically required, and the design of a deeper girder. The increased span led to heavier loads on the shoring towers and larger footings, which necessitated 4mx6m extra-wide temporary footings. We closely collaborated with the contractor, engaging in numerous discussions to align with the diverse stakeholder requirements.
Firozabad District, UP, India
Capital Cost
Galvano India Pvt Ltd.
Construction Engineering