Multiple Steel Tied Arch & Trusses
India's route to sustainable growth and a competitive manufacturing sector relies on strong infrastructure, particularly in power and transportation. However, the country's current infrastructure struggles to meet the demands of its expanding economy and population. While power generation and transmission are improving, transportation infrastructure remains a constraint on businesses and investments. Therefore, infrastructure development is vital for enhancing India's manufacturing competitiveness and growth. In line with this, the Indian government is working to automate all Railway Line intersections, requiring the construction of numerous steel Road Over Bridges (ROBs) with main spans ranging from 18m to over 100m.
Our team has developed erection schemes for over 50 Rail-Over-Bridges (ROBs) across India. Spanning 36m-72m, these schemes account for an estimated 25000MT of structural steel erected. These bridges, typically tied steel arch or truss systems, are erected by sliding preassembled steel on launch rails, supported by shoring towers within construction easement zones. Once the superstructure is moved to its location, the falsework below is disengaged and the bridge is lowered onto its permanent supports.
We have consistently adapted the scheme and its associated temporary works to accommodate the preferred methods and equipment of various contractors. Each site is unique, and client requirements vary. Additionally, the Indian Railway is known for its stringent procedures and slow approval processes that can take months or even years. Despite these challenges, our team has remained persistent and obtained successful approvals for our clients.
Various States, India
Capital Cost
Multiple Clients
Construction Engineering